La parentalité

What exactly baby blues is and how to overcome it

Written by Mathilde Mironi | Mar 29, 2022 12:14:00 PM

Most people have heard about “baby blues”, but everybody does not know what it really means. According to the definition of the medical dictionary, “baby blues is a post-natal mild depression which appears between the third and the 10th day after giving birth.” Ok, but what are the actual signs? This article will help know more about baby blues, for yourself, but also to help others.

What is baby blues?

Baby blues is also commonly referred to as the “third day syndrome”, because it often appears a couple of days after a mother has given birth. This phenomenon is very common as it concerns approximately 80 % of women.

What are the signs of baby blues? Among other symptoms, there can be some of the following: anxiety, vulnerability, discouragement, mood swings and sadness. The young mother can suddenly feel like crying or become irritable.

This is a natural and transitory reaction that can be explained by physiological changes in particular a decrease in hormones together with lack of sleep and a little stress. It is quite unpleasant, but don’t worry, it usually only lasts for a couple of days!

How to overcome baby blues

In order to overcome this difficult period, do anything that makes you feel good. Yes, I am aware that when you have a baby since only a couple of hours or days, the words “take care of yourself” can seem a little annoying, as it is very difficult to find the time… Still, if you do not feel well, do not hesitate to tell your partner. Maybe he/she can help!

You may need comforting and it is totally normal, this is a life-changing event, which is difficult for everybody. Do not feel shameful if you need a hand in order to have some time to lay down for a while, take a shower or go for a walk to get some fresh air. All parents have gone through this!

Just sitting down and holding your baby can also do you a lot of good. Do not listen to your Aunt Ginette telling you that you should put your baby down so that he/she doesn’t get too used to being carried. No! Your baby just spent 9 months in your womb, he/she needs your arms and you also need to feel him/her against your skin. This is normal and totally healthy. These moments of tenderness will help him/her build his/her emotional security. Enjoy the moment!

What is the difference between baby blues and post-partum depression?

It seems similar, but it is not quite the same. When undergoing baby blues, the mother is very sensitive, she cries easily and can feel anxiety or sadness. It is a strong tiredness which disappears with some time.

Post-natal or post-partum depression is more serious, lasts longer and is rare as it concerns 10 to 15 % of young mothers. This depression can happen during the first years following birth although it usually appears in a couple of weeks.